GPX fájlból route endmondo-ba

Itt találtam egy jó leírást, hogy lehet csak útvonalat tartalmazó gpx fájlból endomondo útvonalat létrehozni.


A lényeg:

At the moment we don’t have a feature for a direct import of GPX file without timestamps, but there is a workaround – see how to do it below.

1) Run the file (containing the route) through a converter such as the one found at Converting the file from it’s current state to a GPX Track will generally add all of the information that we need.
2) Import this file as a workout to
3) Save a workout as a route: go to the workout, click “To Route”, give it a name and select whether it should be public or private (private routes are only visible by you), and click save. Now you can find the route on the “Routes” page.

Route is now available to be downloaded to the phone or used otherwise.


Ennek örömére meg is csináltam a G50 útvonalát:


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